Check Out My New Promo Kit
In an effort show who I am and what it is that I can do for your company or association, I have leveraged cutting edge technology and created a one of a kind multi-media experience in the form of an interactive promotional magazine.
The magazine works like any other only it is digital and can open on your computer screen using HTML5. You didn’t really even need to know that, it is just that it SHOULD be platform agnostic and work on every computer, everywhere.
Simply flip through the pages like you would any magazine and zoom in to read the stories and articles about topics that interest you. Pay particular attention to the video clips that are embedded in the magazine itself. Many meeting planners request a video but rarely sit through a couple minutes. In fact, most video is used to “disqualify” a speaker, rather than to qualify. This provides the best of both worlds and shows segments of Gavin Jerome’s presentations and media appearances in bite sized bits.
If you have any questions or wish to download a plain PDF file of the same magazine that can be done as well!